Pictured above: Lieutenant General and 18th President Ulysses S. Grant
Imagine riding down a dirt path. As you continue on the path you see a man in raggedy clothes leading a mule that is hauling firewood towards town. You don't think much of this man because, as mentioned before, he is so plain that there's nothing eye catching about him. What if I told you this man would eventually become the person responsible for reuniting the divided United States (U.S.) after the breakout of the U.S. Civil War.
In the history channel documentary Grant, this true story is depicted. Ulysses S. Grant is leading a mule hauling a cart of firewood so he can sell it to make a living. Strangely, one of his former soldiers from the Mexican-American War recognized him and asked him what he was doing with that cart of firewood. General Grant responded with: "Solving the problem of poverty." General Grant had fought in the Mexican-American War and had established a reputation for being courageous, but he ended up losing his commission due to his addiction to alcohol.
Throughout his life, General Grant had always been underestimated. As a kid he was nicknamed "Useless Grant" by his peers due to his average demeanor. He was an average student when he attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He failed at several ventures he pursued: farming, real estate, surveying, and his commission as an officer after the Mexican-American War. However, he never allowed any of his failures to bring him down. He never lost his dogged determination to continue fighting towards the accomplishment of his goals.
This bulldog mentality that General Grant had is something I think we all can learn from. We should not allow our failures to stop us from accomplishing our dreams or aspirations. Life will throw so many obstacles in our path that it is easy for us to become discouraged. After so much discouragement, eventually we decide to quit and give up on the pursuit of our goals.
Nevertheless, that should not be the end of our story. How did Ulysses S. Grant go from an average ex-soldier to becoming the 1st Lieutenant General to be appointed since George Washington back in the American Revolutionary War? HE NEVER GAVE UP! HE CONTINUED TO PUSH ON IN LIFE UNTIL HE ACCOMPLISHED WHAT HE SET OUT FOR HIMSELF! That I believe, is the mentality that carried him on to become the President of the United States. It is truly remarkable.
Even after the war General Grant still had more failures. His presidency was marked by corruption and an over reliance in the military to handle civil issues. He ended up going broke as a result of entering in a business partnership with a dishonest man who ended up running a ponzi scheme. He was diagnosed with throat cancer after biting into a peach and discovering a sharp pain as he swallowed.
Still, he never gave in. He found a way to ensure his family would be taken care of. He wrote his personal memoirs while suffering from his cancer and the money he received from the publishing of his memoirs was more than enough to provide for his family. He sadly passed a couple of days later after completing his memoirs.
Ulysses S. Grant's life should serve as an example to all who have strived for more in their lives, yet have allowed obstacles get in their path. Those who have allowed these obstacles stop them from pursuing their ultimate goals in life. It should show us that no matter what life throws at us, we must continue to push on and carry on the fight for what we want! Thank you Ulysses S. Grant for this lesson in leadership!
"Everyone has his superstitions. One of mine has always been when I started to go anywhere, or to do anything, never to turn back or stop until the thing intended was accomplished."- Ulysses S. Grant